Rhythm Junction
Could you define what Music is? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Music is the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. But there is this blog which defines music way more than what the dictionary say.
Rhythm Junction is a blogsite where the writer is willingly sharing rock music not just a sound coming from the instruments but sound coming from the heart. I must admit that I thought heavy metal music only produce pollution to the ears. To its avid fans, it is like angels coming down from heaven. Truly I can say that every person in this world is unique and we should embrace their uniqueness so that they may understand us as well.
Do not be fooled by the template of Rhythm Junction. It may look simple but when you check out its blog archive, you will definitely agree with me that it is truly a rock music blogsite.
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