Earn Dollars by Being an Online Freelance Programmer
People are looking for ways on how to earn online. Some online jobs pay very little and we think that the money we get from it is not enough to sustain our day to day existence.
I assiduously looked in the search engine where I could find a decent job. And surprisingly, I got 3 outsourcing online companies which helps freelancers get a job, and be compensated at a very charming rate
1. Rent A Coder - Rent a coder is an international marketplace where people who need custom software developed can find coders in a safe and business-friendly environment. Buyers receive an average of 12.4 (no obligation) bids in 24 hours, and can browse resumes and work records online. When they find their 'perfect' coder, they can hire them safely using the site 'Safe Project Escrow'.Coders make extra money doing the work they love, under the protection of the 'Safe Project Escrow' system.
2. Serebra Connect - Serebra Connect offers freelance employment opportunities and online outsourcing for business owners for graphic design, web design, brochure design, logo design, consulting, software development, css, html, reports, presentations and coding.
3. Freelance India - Part time home jobs projects for web graphic, fashion designer, writer in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore. Though you are not from India, you could sign up for this site.
4. Scriptlance - Maddy of Great Registry Blog shared me this site.
I better start studying programming! There are so many opportunities for programmers to earn big. Check out the amount the employers are actually paying for a single task.
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