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Melon That Tastes Like Lemon - Lemlon  

Yeah, you got that right! Some weird agriculturist or botanist had cross-bred the melon to the lemon and the result...A Lemlon!

I do not know if what variety it is. If it is a variety of lemon or melon but it went on sale last week in UK.

Tesco, who sold the fruit said it resembles the honeydew melon but has "zesty, fresh" taste of a traditional lemon and said it was produced from Spain.

It is the latest in a series of exotic fruits to be sold in UK supermarkets which would only a couple of years ago seemed odd or weird to most shoppers.

Lemlon, which is being sold for £1.99, has a high level of citric acid content which is double than that of the regular melons which resulted to a tangy after-taste.  


Manila Police Cars run by Cooking Oil  

The price of petroleum products are increasing every week, thus the police here in Manila have adapted a new way on how to conserve money and diesel.

The police cars which the police in Manila use, are now being powered by a bio-fuel product. Instead of pure diesel, they added a new ingredient which is the used cooking oil being donated by McDonalds', a fastfood chain.

The first procedure is to purify the used cooking oil in a purifier first, then mix diesel in the purifier.

The Makati police would be the first to benefit from this bio-fuel.

A mixture of 60% diesel and 40% bio fuel must be poured into the diesel tank so that the process could work.The inventor, a Filipino engineer, perfected this procedure.

There are so many products available which can be transformed into bio fuel and among those are, coconut oil and janitor fishes which when burn could yield so much oil.

For those who do not know, the Philippines has so many janitor fishes in its rivers and lakes.



Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe  

Some people all over the world are panicky over high inflation in their respective country and we are worried that the paycheck we are receiving is not enough for our day to day expenses. But we must be thankful that we do not live in Zimbabwe. I am not saying that it is a bad country. What I am driving at is that the inflation in their country is increasing rapidly.

Check out the graph below, the exchange rate of Zimbabwe Dollar against the Euro staggered from May to June of the same year.

The bank note below is the highest denomination note ever released in any country.

Here in Manila, people can buy 3 eggs for Php12.00. Look at the photo below and see how many eggs could a 100billion Zimbabwe dollars buy.

The government of Zimbabwe is even having hard time looking for papers to print their money. They are struggling to find enough cash also to pay its workers, and more importantly the military, after it was forced to severely cut back on printing money because sanctions severed its supply of banknote paper from Europe.Paper money was already in desperately short supply because the state-run Fidelity Printers Refiners in Harare was unable to keep up with the demand created by hyperinflation and rapid devaluation that had caused notes to lose almost their entire value within weeks of being issued.


Faceless Friend  

I love you, That is all I can say. It does not matter if you do not love me. What matters most is I love you and I believe whatever you say.

You do not know how much you helped me. You were there only talking to me but deep inside of this heart of mine, I feel i am the most special person in this world. Talking with you for only a minute makes me feel I am alive.

I am not asking you to love me in return or whatever. All I want is the talk you have given me.Thank you for giving me so much hope. I am strong when I know you are near.

Faceless beings we are but my heart yearns for you. Thank you for supporting me. For accepting me and sharing me an hour life almost everyday. I am not asking for anything just the talk.

Can a person miss someone whom she have never been met? Can this be real? I know it is not but then again I thank you. I accept you for who you are and what you are. I did not expect this to happen. I do not want this either but why? All I know is whenever you are near, I am strong. Whenever I think that you are thinking of me, I am strong. Thank you for the strength. I miss you.  

Bikes in Paris  

Due to the increasing price of gasoline, the government officials have thought of a way on how to help its people and the tourists on how to roam Paris.

This July, Paris launched Vélib'. 20,000 red-painted bikes will be displayed onto the city streets for locals and tourists alike to peddle around to their heart's content.

The riders must insert a credit card into a special bike rack in order to release one of the bikes. If it is never returned, the user is charged €150. If the bike is placed back into another special rack anywhere in the city within half an hour, there is no charge. Every hour after that costs €1.



Acupunctured Sushi  

In Japan, Osakana Planning Company has started giving acupunctures to tuna.

The acupuncture sessions was meant to make the blood of the tuna purer. In this process, they do not need to be treated with chemicals, thus the flesh has a better taste.

This practiced was unveiled at the International Japan Seafood Show but the process of where to insert the needles to the fishes remains a secret.

The company is also planning to test the acupuncture sessions to bream and salmon.  


Most Expensive Lunch  

A Hongkong based Chinese investment fund manager of Pureheart China Growth Investment Fund won the chance to have lunch with billionaire Warren Buffett by bidding $2.1 million in the most expensive charity auction ever held on eBay.

Warren Buffet

Zhao Danyang won the auction,with a winning bid of $2,110,100.

Zhao Danyang

The Glide Foundation will receive all the proceeds from the auction.The auction will provide a significant boost to Glide, which provides social services to the poor and homeless in San Francisco. The foundation operates on a $12 million annual budget.

It appears that Zhao and Buffett share a similar investment philosophy.

Zhao and up to seven friends will dine with Buffett at the Smith Wollensky steakhouse in New York City whenever the two men can schedule it. Last year's winners collected their prize only last month.The investment philosophy Zhao's fund describes on its Web site is similar to Buffett's approach of finding companies with an enduring competitive advantage that are selling for significantly less then they are worth.

Buffett, chairman and chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., is primarily known for his investing success. Berkshire owns more than 60 subsidiaries including insurance, clothing, furniture, jewelry and candy companies, restaurants, natural gas and corporate jet firms and has major investments in such companies as Coca-Cola Co., Anheuser-Busch Cos. and Wells Fargo Co.

But Buffett is also known for his philanthropy.

In 2006, he announced his plan to give away the bulk of his nearly $49 billion fortune over time. Most of his shares of Berkshire stock will go to five charitable foundations, with the largest going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Buffett has been auctioning off lunches online for six years but began auctioning the lunches for Glide off-line in 2000. He offers only one lunch a year.  


When I was new in blogging, I did not know what a feedburner is. It took me some time to figure out what is was. According to Wikipedia, a FeedBurner is a web feed management provider launched in 2004 that provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers, podcasters, and other web-based content publishers. Some of the sites that you will be signing in to promote your blog will ask what your URL Feed is. Please take note that your URL Feed will always be

for example in my case, my URL feeds are:

To ensure that your viewers can easily subscribe to your blog content you have to put these URLs in a place easily seen on your blog. Blogger provides a link to them at the end of the posts.

You may visit the site Feedburner to sign up and submit your site so that many people would enjoy your writings.  


Search Engines  

One must submit his site to a search engine so that people would see his blog and generate more traffic. If you want other people from different countries to take a look at your site, you must advertise it submit it to different internet directories. Most of the directories are free.

Among the most famous search engines are listed below.
Microsoft Live
Alexa Web
Scrub the

If you have submitted your site to those mentioned above, then you are good.


Most of us if not all, want to earn from blogging. One could add a "Donate" button but he must sign up first for paypal. Other ways to earn is through pasting advertisements in your site. There are numerous advertising sites which are willing to give you a cut if you give them traffic.

Listed here are the sites which you might be interested to check out:
Google adsense


Meta Tag  

Meta tags are tags which are placed in the html source code of a website. Visitors on your website cannot see them, but the search engines can. These tags typically are the ‘meta description’ tag and the ‘meta keywords’ tag. The other tag that is extremely important is your title tag. Although not a ‘meta’ tag, this tag is even more important than your website’s meta tags.

Firstly the title tag. This is the title for each of the pages on your website. They are a descriptive title reflecting the content that is on that web page. Since each page of your website is unique, so should be your title tag. You shouldn't have the same title tag on each page of your website. This tag is displayed in the search engine results page and is the clickable link through to your website.

The meta description tag is an objective description of your web page. It should be compelling and not too wordy. Lists of keywords are definitely a no-no! This tag is displayed below your title tag in the search engine results pages, so ideally you want your link to be clicked on instead of your competitors' in the list of search results.

Finally the meta keywords tag. This is much less important now as it used to be open to abuse by spammers. However, some search engines still read it so it does no harm to include it. Don’t list every keyword you can think of, just the targeted keywords of the web page the meta keywords tag is on.

To get a nice Meta Tag for your site, click this link and it will take you directly to a Meta Tag generator which you can insert on your site.

Whip and Stir  

This blog is basically a mixture of different ideas and news researched by the blogger.